Stefano Serafini has always been interested in numbers, and began studying IT and programming at a young age. His passion led him to the University of Trento, in Italy, where he graduated with a bachelor’s degree in economics, and then went on to receive a master’s degree in finance.
Stefano started his professional financial career on the chief executive board of a local Italian bank. He eventually went back into his family ice cream business, where he still acts as a part-time consultant.
Today, Stefano resides in Switzerland and primarily concentrates on trading. He started actively trading in 2007 with a stock picking model based on fundamentals, as well as using an rotational approach. In more recent years, Stefano has been using a systematic approach to trading, and following mentors such as Luca Giusti of the QTLab Project and Giovanni Trombetta of the Gandalf Project.
In 2016, Stefano traveled to New York with Luca Giusti to participate in “The Trading Masterclass,” and learn varying approaches to looking at the market, and ways to trade it. The class was organized by some of WCA’s current and past top traders, including Michael Cook, Tim Rea, Andrea Unger and Kevin Davey. Before taking the class, Stefano was mainly a reversal trader and was hoping to improve his intraday systems to avoid overnight exposure. Today, he utilizes a mix of reversal and trend follower systems. “That’s the key of stable returns,” he says. “Diversification.”
Stefano typically tests his systems within a 10-year period, and does not use a lot of indicators. He prefers referring to price action studies and patterns.
He now trades several markets with eighty different trading systems. However, he does not plan to stop developing new trading systems any time soon. Stefano dedicates at least a couple of days every week to development. “I believe that nothing in terms of trading systems works forever,” he says. “Therefore, I continue studying the markets and continuously develop new ways of looking at the markets.”
Stefano has carefully chosen, what he believes to be, his best system to trade his account in the 2017 World Cup Championship of Futures Trading, the lead account for the WCA Moon Watch program.
The profile above includes statements of opinion. Trading involves substantial risk of loss and is not suitable for everyone. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results. World Cup Championship (WCC) accounts do not necessarily represent all the trading accounts controlled by a given competitor. Accounts trading in the WCC may be subject may be subject to commission rates different from those following the AutoTrade™ trading service. WCC competitors may control accounts that produce results substantially different than the results achieved in their WCC accounts.