Jay Soloff is the Options Portfolio Manager at Investors Alley. He is also the lead analyst for Options Profit Engine and Options Floor Trader Pro, investment advisories giving you professional options trading strategies, with all the bells and whistles of Wall Street, but simplified so all you have to do is enter the trades with your broker. Jay is the author and instructor of an options training course call Options Trading Mastery focused on the needs of beginner and intermediate level traders.
Prior to his work with Investors Alley, Jay was a professional options market maker on the floor of the CBOE (Chicago Board Options Exchange), the largest options trading exchange in the world. He also worked with Wall Street firms to help design options market making software for trading on electronic exchanges when those exchanges first came to the U.S. Jay was a senior analyst at a hedge fund, where he worked closely with multiple options trading funds employing some of the most cutting edge strategies in the field. Over two decades ago Jay got his start at the Kansas City Board of Trade in the Wheat Futures pit.
Jay now focuses on options trading advisories and teaching individual investors how to successfully trade options for the past seven years. He has a degree in economics from University of Illinois, Champaign and two Masters degrees from Arizona State University: an MBA and Master of Science in Information Management.