Founder, BNB Formula
Brian Page
Brian Page became a millionaire in his 20’s as a residential real estate investor. During the historic crash of 2007, he lost it all. Starting over with no credit or cash and no ability to buy property, Brian discovered a way to use other people’s properties to earn income. He went on to make over six figures in his first six months and $300,000 his first year using Airbnb, the world’s largest “home-sharing” service.
Brian’s has now taught thousands of people from 32 countries his formula for success using Airbnb. This method, called the BNB Formula, reveals exactly how he grew his business so fast and how you can do the same in any of the 192 countries Airbnb currently operates.
BNB Formula is the only teaching of it’s kind showing entrepreneurs how to build a multi-listing six to seven figure Airbnb business - without having to own a single property.