Andrew Keene

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Andrew Keene is President & CEO of AlphaShark Trading, which he originally founded as in 2011. Previously, Andrew Keene worked as a proprietary trader at the Chicago Board Options Exchange.

Andrew currently actively trades futures, equity options currency pairs, and commodities. He is a regular guest market commentator on such networks as Bloomberg TV, CNBC, and Fox Business.

Andrew as he describes it understands options backwards, forwards, left and right.

He is a master at reading order flow in the options market and that is what he prides himself on.

He is a multi-millionaire from trading and he says “I could retire but I'd be bored.  I want to teach as many people as possible how I trade.”

Sessions By Andrew Keene

Master How to Trade from a Professional Floor Trader on Order Flow

Andrew Keene

CEO, AlphaShark Trading

Watching order flow is one of the best ways to make money as a retail trader. What about a double confirmation system that confirmed that signals

Andrew Keene will teach you his best system that took over 2 decades to create, in this easy KISS: Keep it Simple Stupid trading system

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